The Club is based in Llwyncrwn Primary and has the use of the main hall in the junior department, kitchen facilities within the staff room, outdoor space and the infant department hall to the main school entrance. The Infant hall will be used for collection of foundation phase children and if there are events being held within the junior department hall, these will only be for temporary periods.
The Club offers a child centred environment meeting the social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional needs of children and recognising the individual needs of each child who attends.
A wide variety of activities are offered. Short, medium and long term planning will be in place, whilst still offering opportunities for free play. Children will be encouraged to participate in the planning and evaluation of activities and ideas for equipment when it is being purchased.
Snacks and drinks are available during the session. All food and drinks offered are in line with our healthy eating policy, and meet the dietary needs and preferences of children as indicated on the child’s registration form.
Our Facebook Page
Here's a link to our Facebook page for you to see what activities our Dragons get up too and to keep up to date with all the news and information.
Opening Hours
- After school club opens between 3.10 pm and 5.45 pm Monday to Thursday, and 3.10pm and 5.15pm during School Term-Time.
Meet the Team @Llwyncrwn